Webmap in matlab is a good feature, but not well develop yet to stand next to ArcMap. Here is an example.
It lacks the compass, and nice printing feature (
wmprint is not so good.
It lacks the compass, and nice printing feature (
webmap('Light Gray Canvas Map','WrapAround',false)
% nasa = wmsfind('nasa', 'SearchField', 'serverurl');
% baselayer = refine(nasa, 'bluemarbleng', ...
% 'SearchField', 'layername', 'MatchType', 'exact');
% baselayer = wmsupdate(baselayer);
% webmap(baselayer)
% site
lat0 =32 ;
lon0 =-110;
radius = 15000;
az = [];
e = wgs84Ellipsoid;
[lat, lon] = scircle1(lat0, lon0, radius, az, e);
wmline(lat, lon, 'Color', 'red', 'OverlayName', 'SiteName ','Autofit',true) ;
wmprint is not so good.