Monday, May 2, 2011

Creating HTML files with favorite pages loaded in matlab

I have saved the pages with sublink such as

The first part of the link (below) is the home page. The file structure is saved as text array so that textread function in Matlab reads the content as the cell structure. The structure can be accessed iteratively by file{j}.

filename = 'dsave1.txt';
j = 1;

file = textread(filename, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n', ...
'whitespace', '');

for j = 1:length(file)
link = ['' file{j}]
% end

file_name = [num2str(j) '.htm'];

fid =fopen(file_name,'wb'); %_id=%s will do the job
fprintf(fid, '<html><head><title>1</title></head><body>');

fprintf(fid, '<iframe name="FRAME" src="%s" width="1040" height="700" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></body></html>',link);


j = j+1;


Just open with Chrome. Tada!

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