Turn off the spotlight and turn it on using these commands in terminal.
sudo mdutil -E /
sudo mdutil -i off
sudo mdutil -E /
sudo mdutil -i off
cd /Applications/TemperatureMonitor.app/Contents/MacOS/
./tempmonitor -th > ~/Desktop/CPUtempData.csv
while true
./tempmonitor -tv >> ~/Desktop/CPUtempData.csv
/bin/sleep 60
% Create the northeast mask
% Created by NM
% August 4, 2014
% http://www.mathworks.com/help/map/_f7-10852.html#f7-9156
% Use shaperead to get the patch data for the boundary:
close all
% http://www.mathworks.com/help/map/understanding-raster-geodata.html#f20-12849
pcs = {'New York', 'New Jersey','Massachusetts', 'Vermont','Connecticut' ,...
'North Carolina','Ohio','Maine', 'New Hampshire', 'Rhode Island', ...
'Maryland', 'Delaware', 'Virginia','West Virginia','District of Columbia' };
% pcs = { 'Pennsylvania' };
cUS = shaperead('usastatelo.shp',...
'UseGeoCoords', true,...
'Selector',{@(name)any(strcmpi(name,pcs),2), 'Name'});
inLat = [cUS.Lat];
inLon = [cUS.Lon];
% nys = shaperead('usastatehi.shp',...
% 'UseGeoCoords', true,...
% 'Selector', {@(name)strcmpi('New York',name), 'Name'});
% inLat = nys.Lat;
% inLon = nys.Lon;
% Set the grid density to be 40 cells per degree, and use vec2mtx to rasterize the boundary and generate a referencing vector for it:
gridDensity = 100;
[inGrid, inRefVec] = vec2mtx(inLat, inLon, gridDensity);
% set the limits
axesm eqdcyl
meshm(inGrid, inRefVec)
colormap jet(4)
[latlim, lonlim] = limitm(inGrid, inRefVec);
setm(gca, 'Flatlimit', latlim, 'FlonLimit', lonlim)
% To fill (recode) the interior of Indiana, you need a seed point
% (which must be identified by row and column) and
% a seed value (to be allocated to all cells within the polygon).
% Select the middle row and column of the grid and choose an index value of 3
% to identify the territory when calling encodem to generate a new grid:
inPt = round([size(inGrid)/2, 3]);
inGrid3 = encodem(inGrid, inPt,1);
% redraw the map using the filled grid:
inGrid3= 1-inGrid3; % need for multiple states
meshm(inGrid3, inRefVec)
%% Now try the Data
udGrid = flipud(inGrid3);
[m,n] = size(udGrid);
% latlim=[36 46];
% lonlim=[-82 -69];
[Mlat, Mlon] = ndgrid(linspace(min(inLat),max(inLat),m), linspace(min(inLon),max(inLon),n)); %Changed from 35 46, -85 -69
% newCF = griddata(latmatf,lonmatf,flipud(data),Dlat, Dlon);
ax = worldmap(latlim, lonlim);
states = shaperead('usastatehi','UseGeoCoords', true, 'BoundingBox', [lonlim', latlim']);
% geoshow(ax, states, 'FaceColor', [1 1 1]);
%% Now try the data
% newCF = griddata(latmatf,lonmatf,flipud(data),Dlat, Dlon);
ax = worldmap(latlim, lonlim);
states = shaperead('usastatehi','UseGeoCoords', true, 'BoundingBox', [lonlim', latlim']);
geoshow(ax, states, 'FaceColor', [1 1 0.99]);
newCF = griddata(Dlat,Dlon,isimipAve,Mlat, Mlon);
inGrid3c = inGrid3;
inGrid3c(inGrid3c<=0)= NaN;
inGrid3c(inGrid3c>0) = 1;
plotCF = inGrid3c.*newCF;
ax = worldmap(latlim, lonlim);
states = shaperead('usastatehi','UseGeoCoords', true, 'BoundingBox', [lonlim', latlim']);
geoshow(ax, states, 'FaceColor', [1 1 0.99]);
%% For Penn because When added Penn, it "inverts". So adding two with nanmean
pcs = { 'New York', 'Pennsylvania', 'Massachusetts', 'Vermont','Connecticut' ,...
'North Carolina','Ohio','Maine', 'New Hampshire', 'Rhode Island', ...
'Maryland', 'Virginia','West Virginia','District of Columbia' };
cUS = shaperead('usastatelo.shp',...
'UseGeoCoords', true,...
'Selector',{@(name)any(strcmpi(name,pcs),2), 'Name'});
inLat = [cUS.Lat];
inLon = [cUS.Lon];
% nys = shaperead('usastatehi.shp',...
% 'UseGeoCoords', true,...
% 'Selector', {@(name)strcmpi('New York',name), 'Name'});
% inLat = nys.Lat;
% inLon = nys.Lon;
% Set the grid density to be 40 cells per degree, and use vec2mtx to rasterize the boundary and generate a referencing vector for it:
gridDensity = 100;
[inGrid, inRefVec] = vec2mtx(inLat, inLon, gridDensity);
% set the limits
% figure(1)
% axesm eqdcyl
% meshm(inGrid, inRefVec)
% colormap jet(4)
% [latlim, lonlim] = limitm(inGrid, inRefVec);
% setm(gca, 'Flatlimit', latlim, 'FlonLimit', lonlim)
% tightmap
% To fill (recode) the interior of Indiana, you need a seed point
% (which must be identified by row and column) and
% a seed value (to be allocated to all cells within the polygon).
% Select the middle row and column of the grid and choose an index value of 3
% to identify the territory when calling encodem to generate a new grid:
inPt = round([size(inGrid)/2, 3]);
inGrid3 = encodem(inGrid, inPt,1);
% redraw the map using the filled grid:
inGrid3= inGrid3; % need for multiple states
meshm(inGrid3, inRefVec)
inGrid3c = inGrid3;
inGrid3c(inGrid3c<=0)= NaN;
inGrid3c(inGrid3c>0) = 1;
plotCF2 = inGrid3c.*newCF;
ax = worldmap(latlim, lonlim);
states = shaperead('usastatehi','UseGeoCoords', true, 'BoundingBox', [lonlim', latlim']);
geoshow(ax, states, 'FaceColor', [1 1 0.99]);
plotCF3d(:,:,1) = plotCF;
plotCF3d(:,:,2) = plotCF2;
iplotCF = nanmean(plotCF3d,3);
ax = worldmap(latlim, lonlim);
states = shaperead('usastatehi','UseGeoCoords', true, 'BoundingBox', [lonlim', latlim']);
geoshow(ax, states, 'FaceColor', [1 1 0.99]);