Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Imaginary standard deviation: Discussion with Deniz: Because even after the convergence has been achieved, the program keeps adding small logZ (whic

Imaginary standard deviation:

Discussion with Deniz:

Because even after the convergence has been achieved, the program keeps adding small logZ (which should not be the case).

That means:

[w_array] = Results1(Samples, nest, logZ);
mean(x) = 0.33611 stdev(x) = 0+1.6919e-006i
mean(y) = 0.34601 stdev(y) = 0+1.7417e-006i
mean(z) = 0.33582 stdev(z) = 0+1.6904e-006i
>> sum(w_array)

ans =


>> format long
>> ans

ans =


Which is the problem, as this can result into imaginary stdev!!!

One of the approach to solve this problem would be to have a stopping criterion in the algorithm. This can be something like this:

If logZ(i+1)-logZ(i) < = eps


Lets see!

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