There was a mysterious shift in the latitude, now corrected by the following back-projection. Thanks to Todd!
latnc = ilat(:,:,1);
WGS84AxisRatioSquared = 0.9933056199957391;
latitudeWGS84Radians = latnc.*pi/180;
latitudeSphereRadians = atan( tan( latitudeWGS84Radians ) * WGS84AxisRatioSquared );
newLat = latitudeSphereRadians *180/pi;
latnc = ilat(:,:,1);
WGS84AxisRatioSquared = 0.9933056199957391;
latitudeWGS84Radians = latnc.*pi/180;
latitudeSphereRadians = atan( tan( latitudeWGS84Radians ) * WGS84AxisRatioSquared );
newLat = latitudeSphereRadians *180/pi;
The Latitude projection into this Lambert Conic map seems to have some shift of about 0.2 degree (12 km resolution). |
Once the Backprojection is applied, the latitude appears to align nicely. |